Welcome to my small slice of the internet.

Here you will find my ramblings on a number of topics

Hello Internet


Hello Internet, MuskyShep here. This is my first post, pretty much anywhere. I'm not the most social person, and I have a hard time warming up to people. That paired with the toxicity of most social media platforms has kept me from engaging with them for the most part. I have a few lurker accounts but that is all. This site will be my first foray into putting myself out there. A small site like this is much lower pressure compared to the big social media platforms, so I don't feel as anxious about posting here. As you can probably tell by the name, I am a furry but that won't be entirely the focus of this site. I haven't interacted with the fandom directly due to my previously mentioned social hangups, but I have supported a few projects financially. I have been aware of the fandom since the late 2000's, and have followed the goings-on off and on again ever since. I may start to interact with the fandom at large, but I don't think I am ready for that yet. I want to get more comfortable putting myself out there first.

Which is why I am here right now. I have a large collection of older games, and a few other hobbies that I can ramble about. I am also learning how to use video editing and music production software, and also how to draw. I also have a few stories of work in an IT job where management doesn't care and neither does everyone else. This site will serve as my online diary where I can log my progress and show off some weird old game or an interesting computer fact to anyone who happens by. I'm going for a web 1.0 feel for now, but the site design will likely change frequently. I could ramble some more but I will leave it there for now. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope to see you again soon.